Hassan Hajjaj: Vogue, The Arab Issue

Dior, Vogue The Arab Issue series, 2012 | © Hassan Hajjaj

Hassan Hajjaj: Vogue, The Arab Issue





March 19-November 7, 2021


Fotografiska New York

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In this exhibition covering three decades of work, produced in collaboration with Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris, British-Moroccan multidisciplinary artist Hassan Hajjaj (b. 1961) introduces a world of vibrant colours, layered textures and eclectic style clashes. Hajjaj restages typically Western fashion shoots, but this time with Moroccan women posing proudly in his own creations – a mix of traditional djellabas, hijabs and kaftans with counterfeit high-fashion brand logos, leopard prints and polka dots. He thus invites viewers to re-examine the clichés and cultural stereotypes often present in the fashion industry.