GUP Author



Linda Borst

Artist Website

Kraft Durch Freude—or strength through joy—was a Nazi leisure organisation. It was responsible for the construction of what is know as the ‘Giant of Prora’, a 4.5 kilometre long hotel complex on the coast line of northern Germany. Intrigued by what she calls a “sinister irony”, Linda Borst investigated the impact of this huge monolith to Nazi happiness upon the local community. This is a relationship made more convoluted by the planned re-development of the complex into luxury apartments.

Consisting of interviews and photographs, Borst’s project Prora analyses the ideologies and architecture of the past and shows how the current community who live under its shadow are having traumatic memories mixed uneasily with their hope for the future. Portraits of the old and young are placed next to images of abandoned bunkers, shooting ranges and empty social clubs.

‘In Prora it is not easy to deny the past’