Davide Degano‘s latest project Romanzo Meticcio, which he started in 2019 studies the Italian post-colonial condition as a fundamental element of the daily and contemporary life of the Bel Paese. The prefix “post” takes on a progressive historical value. It becomes a tool that invites us to critically evaluate the legacy of empires and carefully observe its effect on contemporary society. Bel Paese is a phrase coined during the Middle Ages which is still in use in Italian as well as in other modern languages. Its meaning can be translated as “a beautiful country”, and is used in most cases to highlight the cultural and natural value of Italy, such as the weather or cultural heritage sites. Romanzo Meticcio takes a twist on the popular phrase to look at the country through the lens of postcolonialism to uncover the current socio-political conditions of living in Italy.
On the basis of the Treaty of Peace (1947) signed between Italy and the victorious nations of World War Two, Italy lost control of almost all of its overseas colonies. Somalia was the exception as it gained independence only in 1960. Subsequently, Degano investigates the intersections between African and Middle Eastern countries and current day Italy. At the same time, his project opens up a discussion on Italian colonial history which still remains largely absent from public discourse by politicians or at schools. Romanzo Meticcio works with and against the medium of photography. With it, to use its documenting qualities for capturing the essence of the surroundings. Against it, to raise awareness about its historic agency in visually shaping the public’s knowledge of the world.
The title of the project was inspired by a novel of the same title written by Wu Ming 2 and Antar Mohamed. The book follows the story of Italian-Somali woman Isabela Marincola to describe the relationship of Italy to the citizens of its former imperial colonies. Degano connects the themes of the novel to his own photography project by investigating the multicultural character of Italy. Subsequently, two visions of Italy emerge – one is represented by the youth who isn’t bound to the hierarchies generated by the colonial Italian empire. The other stands for the past visible in wall paintings depicting motifs from ancient mythology or busts of Mussolini found while roaming through the back of a local store. The crossover of the past with the present is one of the fundamental parts of Italian cultural identity. Identity which is in the state of becoming and is built with the help of young people who are motivated by a need for social change.
Imagery in the series shows the city residents living their daily routines. Hanging out with friends, being at school, being outside. Many of the portraits depict the characters as waiting or simply looking. Others are caught in somber, somehow dreamy expressions. The attitude of the depicted subjects speaks of strength and readiness, yet simultaneously of a certain hibernation towards the surroundings. It is both the younger and the older generations which appear to be placed in a state of stillness. The blues, green and orange hues of the images enliven the environment of Romanzo Meticcio. The energy brought by the natural and urban colours creates a feeling of unity and harmony between the past, present and the future.
In Romanzo Meticcio Davide Degano uncovers Italy from the monumentality of architectural spaces. This technique broadens the understanding of the term ‘local’ to give attention to the people who co-create the character of the place. Degano depicts the scenery without the romantic holiday associations we might have with Italian culture to focus on the soul and spirit of everyday reality. The focus on portraiture in the series disconnects the subjects from the architectural background. In the place of recognizable architectural landmarks, he shifts his focus onto scenes that unfold in between the surroundings. Davide Degano belongs to the generation of photographers who do not passively observe as the present and the future of their surroundings unfold next to them. With his photography, Degano seemingly redirects our gaze and creates imagery where future generations can recognize themselves regardless of their racial and cultural background.
Romanzo Meticcio will be published in 2023 by studiofaganel.