Palm* Photo Prize 2021
Palm* Photo Prize is an annual submission-based exhibition for a new generation of photographers. Its aim is to support, elevate and showcase the best of the new wave of image-makers. The exhibition at Palm Studios in London features an extensive list of must-watch photographers from across the world in a multitude of styles and disciplines, selected by the jury members Karen McQuaid, Alastair McKimm, Ronan Mckenzie, Gem Fletcher, Lola Paprocka, and Megan Tilley.
Winners: Yana Wernicke (1st place) and Guen Fiore (2nd place)
Selected: Rhiannon Adam / Tami Aftab / Alfonso Almendros / David Nana Opoku Ansah / Tess Ayano / Chloé Milos Azzopardi / Sergiy Barchuk / Gili Benita / Robin Bernstein / Bobby Buddy / Stephen Burridge / Jasmine Clarke / Anne-Marie Cloutier / Stella Asia Consonni / Guilherme Da Silva / Ryan Debolski / Daniel Diasgranados / Stefan Dotter / Alishia Farnan / Jonas Feige / Max Ferguson / Peter Fisher / Imogen Freeland / Jillian Freyer / Einar Mølmann Fuglem / Jara García Azor / Balazs Gardi / Gigi Gatewood / Devashish Gaur / Kata Geibl / Jessica Gianelli / Sophie Gladstone / Cleo Goossens / Sophie Green / Ilyes Griyeb / Rafael Heygster & Helena Manhartsberger / Chris Hoare / Ashleigh Howard / Carlos Idun-Tawiah / Kourtney Iman / Alessandro Iovino / Vanessa Isela / Amanda Jasnowski Pascual / Alan Jeuland / Piotr Karpinski / Karoliina Kase / Natalia Kepesz / Alexander Klang / Brendan George Ko / Kovi Konowiecki / Annie Lai / Justin Leveritt / Jacob Lillis / Luka Lukasiak / Morganna Magee / Frederik Marks / Laura Mccluskey / Maria Meco / Todd Midler / Max Miechowski / Nikolaj Moeller / Anne Mortensen / Joachim Mueller-Ruchholtz / David Nils Müller / Ricardo Nagaoka / Freya Najade / Jake Nemirovsky / Nora Nord / Christopher Nunn / Tatiana Ostrovskaya / Renee Osubu / Martin Pauer / Bettina Pittaluga / Tommaso Rada / Aurora Raso / David Rothenberg / Polina Rukavichkina / Victor Schnur / Kate Schultze / Sophie Schwartz / Kevin Scotton / Andrew J Segreti / Maggie Shannon / Tatum Shaw / Irina Shkoda / Donavon Smallwood / Mark Sommerfeld / Tristan Spinski / Erinn Springer / Caleb Stein / Laila Annmarie Stevens / Oumayma Ben Tanfous / Rashod Taylor / Silvana Trevale / Vivek Vadoliya / Marilena Vlachopoulou / Pascal Vossen / Nick Walker / Aaron Webber / Cameron Williamson / Amy Woodward / Anna Ziegler / Ada Zielinska
People’s Choice and East Up and Coming Award will be announced at the end of the exhibition. The latest will be awarded to an emerging talent currently unrepresented by an agency or gallery, who will receive a mentorship. For more information, visit their website.