A story to Tell, or: Regarding Male Eating Disorders

A story to Tell, or: Regarding Male Eating Disorders






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GUP suggests the online exhibition A story to Tell, or: Regarding Male Eating Disorders by Mafalda Rakoš.

A Story to Tell, or: Regarding Male Eating Disorders aspires to break the taboo surrounding eating disorders and break away from the stereotype that only girls and women are affected by the mental health condition. Over the course of one year, photographer Mafalda Rakoš followed eleven men affected by anorexia, bulimia or binge eating. Having overcome an eating disorder herself, Rakoš created this project hoping to provide insight into how it feels to experience an eating disorder as a boy or man.

Check out the online presentation here: astorytotellmelkwegexpo.cargo.site

The exhibition in Melkweg Expo will open its doors after the lockdown.