The Last Song
GUP Author
The Last Song
Hardback / 134 pages / 184 x 260mm
¥7300 / €60
In The Last Son, American photographer Jim Goldberg (b. 1953) revisits the path of his life through photographic archives and typewritten anecdotes. Goldberg, the youngest child among his siblings, recounts in a wry, matter-of-fact tone stories of his youth, and his own undercurrents of angst and uncertainty mingled with disappointment from adults that he was squandering his gifts, and wouldn’t amount to much. As his stories continue through the later years of his life, into his discovery of photography, and adventures experienced because of his love with a camera, Goldberg seemingly finds more assured footing in his life’s path. The text, typed out and cut out, is rife with typos and imperfections of style, some of which are corrected by hand and others not, while images are similarly annotated with markings, arranged in grids or haphazard collages, resulting in a wabi sabi book of memories.
The Last Son was featured in the books section of GUP#52, the Mirror issue.