Sense of Water
Hardback / 128 pages / 190 x 225 mm
€38 / £32
Balancing between fantasy and reality, Sense of Water by Susanna Majuri (b. 1978, Finland) is a dreamy and evocative overview of the powerful and ancient element of water. Paired with writings from Nordic writers Vigdís Grímsdóttir, Monica Fagerholm, Tua Forsström and Susanna Majuri herself, Sense of Water is a gentle and thoughtful book, which reflects on deeply personal moments in her life through the metaphorical use of water, as her emotions are “loaded with things one cannot put into words.”
The book primarily features portraits, the subjects of which are largely distorted, or even drowned, by water. Perhaps because of this, there is a cold tone about Majuri’s fantastical imagery, which, alongside her deft appreciation of colour, helps to illustrate the emotions Majuri is trying to convey in her debut book.
Sense of Water was featured in the books section of GUP#52, the Mirror issue.