Images of Conviction
Hardback / 48 pages / 285 x 220 mm
What can really be learned from an image? Images of Conviction, a catalogue produced jointly by LE BAL and Éditions Xavier Barral to accompany the eponymous travelling exhibition, looks at the way photography both is and is not able to communicate information and truth. The conundrum is explored through 11 case studies taken from the history of photography, including metric photography of crime scenes, photographs of the Turin Shroud, war photographs taken before and after bombing, and modern video footage of a drone strike. Each case is argued by a contributing writer, offering context and walking us expertly through an analysis of the objectivity at stake, and is accompanied by archival photographs and imagery. Considering the extent to which photography is used as evidence, oftentimes without question even till present day, the book serves as a valuable resource for critical visual literacy. Edited by Diane Dufour, director of LE BAL.
Images of Conviction was included in the books section of GUP#48, Mixing it Up.