Good Luck with the Future
Softcover / 120 pages / 200 x 270 mm
Good Luck with the Future is a collaborative project between Spanish photographers and romantic partners Rita Puig-Serra Costa and Dani Pujalte, as they go on a journey together to explore uncertainty. Over multiple years, they use movement through space to examine the unpredictability of time, only to find at the end of the project, when they return to Barcelona, that it is the end of their relationship. The book probes scenes from the world – both natural and manmade – for hints on the path to creating the right life, when no answers about the future are known for certain. While Good Luck with the Future ultimately takes a wistful tone, considering the couple’s decision to conclude their romance, it is imbued with the timeless potential for love.
Good Luck with the Future has been self-published by the artists and is available directly from Rita Puig-Serra Costa and Dani Pujalte. The book was included in GUP#55, the Wonder issue.