Hardback / 94 pages / 230 x 301mm
Harsh angles, harsh shadows and the cold cement stare of a city. Finnish photographer Aapo Huhta(1985) takes us along on his urban trawl down sidewalks peopled with lonely suits, past buildings with stark grey exteriors and the casual distance of modern existence. With hard lines demarcating the edge between the city’s light and shade, Huhta forms a geometry of concern: is this life as we intended it? Ambiguous portraits and close-ups draw our attention to the feeling of dystopia found among the patterns found on men’s ties, surveillance cameras affixed to walls above head, and the absent comfort offered by slabs of shaped rock serving as benches. In stillness and shape, Huhta’s images of the city nurture unease.
Block was featured in the books section of GUP#47 and is available to purchase online.